Events Calendar: EAS

July '24

three-part decorative image showing a satellite view of a hurricane, lave exploding from a volcano, and a masked scientist placing a core sample on a testing device.

EAS Careers Seminar Series July 5, 2024


Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Diana Sinton, Senior Research Fellow, University Consortium for GIS, and Cornell University Adjunct Associate Professor, Ithaca, NY Read more

three-part decorative image showing a satellite view of a hurricane, lave exploding from a volcano, and a masked scientist placing a core sample on a testing device.

EAS Careers Seminar Series July 19, 2024


Critical Minerals, Mining, and Academic Career Karin Olson Hoal, Wold Family Professor in Environmental Balance for Human Sustainability, Cornell University and KOH Consulting, LLC, Ithaca, NY Read more

August '24