EAS Department Contact Information

Contact Us

[email protected]  

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Administration

Main Office: 2160 Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-1504
Physical Street Address: 112 Hollister Drive, Ithaca, NY 14853-1504
Phone: 607-255-3474: Fax: 607-254-4780

Director of Administration

Kyle Barnhart, 2160A Snee Hall
[email protected]

EAS Department Chair

Geoff Abers, 2160B Snee Hall
[email protected]

Atmospheric Science Program Directors

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Art DeGaetano [email protected]
Director of Graduate Studies, Toby Ault, [email protected]
Assistant Director of Graduate Programs and Course Coordinator, Sierra Henry, [email protected]
Undergraduate and Administrative Coordinator, Annmarie Card, [email protected]

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Geological Sciences Program Directors

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Bruce Monger, [email protected]
Director of Graduate Studies, Matt Pritchard, [email protected]
Director of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), David Hysell, [email protected]
Assistant Director of Graduate Programs and Course Coordinator, Sierra Henry, [email protected]
Undergraduate and Administrative Coordinator, Annmarie Card, [email protected]